Thursday, August 31, 2006

Post 12 "You Must Be Bored"

"You must be bored." That's what my son told me when I excitedly told him about what I had found from studying the geneology in Genesis chapter 5.

I made the statement earlier in this study that Adam may have known Noah. Now, I am not so sure after crunching the numbers. According to what I came up with Adam died (930 AC)during the life of Noah's father Lamech. Using Adam as a zero point and counting forward I made a chart from Adam to Noah. According to this chart Lamech was born 874 after creation (ac) and Adam died 930 AC. Another very interesting year was 1656 AC. It was the year Noah was in the ark and the flood was upon the earth. It was also the year Methuselah died (He was 969 years old. (The longest recorded lifetime for a human.). The question came to my mind if Methuselah saw the ark leave or did he die prior to the rain starting. From creation to the flood, I came up with 2006 years. We are now 2006 after the birth of Christ. Given the ark being a type of grace that is a very interesting number.

Enoch lived 365 years but did not die. He was 'taken' by God.

In studying the geneology of chapter 5 and skipping over to the end of Noah's life, I noticed an interesting statement used twice. Verse 24 And Enoch walked with God: and he was not for God took him. Genesis 6:9 (the last part) ...Noah walked with God. Of the others it said they lived and then they died. I thought back to the garden where Genesis 3:8 And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day... I thought of how intimate a walk with someone can be. It is a time of privacy and personal conversation. I also wondered if it might have been the Lord's routine to come walk with Adam at this time of day. Adam had already hidden as if he was expecting Him. Imagine gettting to walk with God three hundred years as Enoch did. The disciples walked with Jesus for a little over three years and they were never the same. Next chapter deals with the flood.

Here is my chart from Genesis Chapter 5 **
born died total years *** ++
Adam created 930 930
Seth 130 1042 912
Enos 235 1140 905
Cainan 325 1235 910
Mahalalel 395 1290 895
Jared 460 1422 962
Enoch 620 987(taken*) 365
Methuselah 687 1656 969
Lamech 874 1651 777
Noah 1056 2006 950

* as mentioned above Enoch did not die but was taken by God.
** I am still not sure my formula for these dates is correct. I welcome your input.
*** I added the total years to the birthday to get the date of death.
++ I added the age of father at birth of son to date of father's birthday to get new birthday (year) (I'm pretty sure that is what I did just before I laid down with a splitting headache :)
I may revise it after more study.

Special Note: II Peter 3 8 and Psalm 90:4 are verses of interest. Peter first: But beloved be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. Psalm: For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.

It should be noted that none of these men lived on earth beyond a thousand years. Genesis 2:17 where God said ...for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die comes to mind. Even though they died a spiritual death on that very day because of the seperation between them and the Lord. Adam lived 930 years and died, the same day physically in respect to the above verses.

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